Addressing Racial Disparities in health care (In memory of Dr Susan Moore)

Season #2 Episode #22

This episode dedicated to the memory of Dr. Susan Moore who died of complications related to COVID19 infection after what can only be described as an unfortunate interaction with a white doctor - Dr. Bannen- who did not feel that it was appropriate to administer a course of the anti-viral remdesevir nor treat her pain.  

Dr. Moore took to Facebook live video to share her concern. She was discharged from the hospital and within 48 hours was readmitted to another hospital, but regrettably succumbed to the infection. 

In this episode, I discuss some of my personal interactions in the healthcare system that in retrospect were slanted by race. 

I don't have all the answers, I, however, believe that we should be willing to shine the light on incidents and address misconceptions (such as black people have a higher pain tolerance and so do not need to have their pain taken seriously). We should also be unafraid to advocate for ourselves, as well as demand the healthcare delivery system advocates for us. 

To read the article I referenced in the podcast, please click here

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