Season 1 Episode 17- My reflections on the coronavirus pandemic

Season #1 Episode #17

It's March 30 and it's Doctor's Day. But it's a rather somber day for all of us in the healthcare field as we continue to face the ravages of the global pandemic of covid19. And so I am just using this medium to reflect and share some of my thoughts and feelings.

It is my prayer that this episode will help someone else out there. I have had to face my mortality on more than one occasion in my life as I'm sure many others have. So even though as a global village we are facing so much uncertainty and things seem outside of our control. There are some things we can control. And so as you listen in on this episode think of some things you can control for yourself.

To watch the "Heartmath exercise-Moving from heart to head" I mentioned you can log onto my Facebook page. It is currently pinned to the top of the page.